GSA is committed to ensuring that we provide and maintain a safe and healthy working environment for all our employees and anyone affected by our services or working practices.

Our health and safety management is given the highest priority and we have systems in place which are supported through the BS EN OHSAS 18001:2007 accreditation which we are currently working towards. GSA will then be audited through an external accreditation partner on a regular basis.

GSA ensures that employees are provided with all required information, training and supervision to raise their awareness and duty of care under the provisions of the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and its supportive regulations.

Risk Assessments and Method Statements are completed for every one of clients’ sites and they are evaluated and reviewed at regular intervals. Each site has a health and safety file which contains the company policy, guidelines and procedures which must be adhered to by each member of the GSA team. Training and induction information is also contained within these files and this is audited by our Regional Management Team during their site visits. GSA’s Executive team have all undertaken and passed IOSH Senior Executive Training and all our Senior and Operational Management teams have undertaken and passed the IOSH Managing Safely course. Our Health and Safety Manager has achieved NEBOSH General Certificate in Environmental Management & Occupational Health and Safety.

Catriona Pow
Health & Safety Manager

Our Executive Team hold monthly Health and Safety meetings during which we review:

  • Health and safety databases – including all incidents
  • Risk register
  • Training
  • Auditing
  • Subcontractors
  • New legislation

Click here for our Health & Safety Policy

